Where Can Mesa County Teens Go for Homework Help?
Are you a Mesa County teenager looking for assistance with your homework? There's a convenient "quiet" place you can go each week for help.
I used to be a teenager in need of help with homework, oh, about 35 years ago. A service such as this would have come in very handy. Well, as it turns out, I managed to graduate with a..... slightly better-than-adequate grade point average. Needless to say, the Ivy League schools weren't fighting over me.
If you are a Mesa County student, between the ages of 12 and 18, you can swing by the Mesa County Central Library's Community Room for "Homework Help." This is available to you at no charge during the school year on Thursdays from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Where will you find the Community Room? It's on the ground floor next to what MCPL employees call the "East Entrance." That would be the entrance facing 6th and Grand.
"Homework Help" offers a quiet environment, assistance from your peers, and snacks, too. Wow! This sounds much better than my preferred method throughout my public education career. My method involved: 1) skip homework altogether while, 2) fabricate excuse why it didn't get done, followed by 3) have snacks anyway.
This sounds fantastic. I called down to the library this morning (October 31) and they confirmed the "Homework Help" session is available today (Halloween).
Make the most of your public education. While you're at it, make the most of the free services from your Mesa County Library Central Branch. This service may be just what you need to give your education that extra nudge. Visit mesacountylibraries.org or call 970-243-4442 for more information.