What Is The Longest You Have Kept A Piece Of Clothing?
Seriously, I was thinking I really need to get rid of some things, simplify and downsize. Then I got to looking in my drawer and found items I did not know I still had. I think I had a bra for seven years. Doesn't mean I ever wore it but I remember when I bought it so I tossed it in the garbage.
According to Thirdlove.com, they say you should replace your bra every six months to a year depending on how many you have and how often you wear them. You might be asking yourself how do I know when to replace them? For me, if they start looking bad and getting all stretched out it is time to give them a toss in the garbage. I have not heard of any way to recycle bras thus far. If you know how to recycle a bra let me know.
This also got me thinking about the rest of my clothes which I am now going through I will let you know how that turns out. So far I am now at my sock drawer. Next the t-shirts.