What Business Has Been a Member of GJ Chamber of Commerce the Longest?
The Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce has a trivia question for you. So far, no one has guessed the correct answer.
The question was posted Monday, March 8. As of March 11, the correct answer is still unknown.

The first person with the correct answer wins a prize.
What's in it for you? Well, if you can be the first person with the correct answer, the chamber will reward you with a gift card to a local chamber business.
What's the trivia question?
Here you go - Can you guess what business has been a member of the Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce the longest?
To offer your guest, visit the Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce Facebook Page. You can post your guess in the comments section.
Area businesses that are a member of the chamber.
Here are a handful of businesses that are a member of the Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce.
- ANB Bank
- FCI Constructors, Inc.
- Rocky Mountain Health Plans
- SCL Health St. Mary's
- Community Hospital
- Alpine Bank
- Ed Bozarth Chevrolet Buick
- Eide Bailly CPAs & Business Advisors
- Shaw Construction
I'm going to go out on a limb here and make a guess. Actually, I'm going to make two guesses. I can think of two local organizations which have served the community since... forever. One would be St. Mary's, the other would be ANB Bank.
Place your guess and let's solve this mystery.
This trivia challenge is going to continue until such time someone guesses the correct answer. Type in your guess on the chamber's Facebook page and win the gift card.