Colorado Area Grocery Stores Hiring Like Crazy
Have you been to City Market lately? If you visit a Colorado City Market or King Soopers between now and Saturday afternoon, you'll see people signing up for something at a table near the front door. What are they doing?
Are you in the market for a new gig? King Soopers and City Market stores across Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, and New Mexico are hosting a hiring event as part of an effort to add 1,000 employees. A total of 153 stores are participating.
Tables have been set up at the entrances to all stores. They began taking applications earlier today (Thursday) and will continue through Saturday. On Friday, applications will be accepted from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., and on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. People as young as 15 can apply.
Upon hearing about this, I made my way to the City Market at 1st and Rood. By the time I arrived Thursday evening, they were already done taking applications for the day. Don't worry, they'll be up and running again Friday and Saturday.
Job positions include full and part-time. What positions are they looking to fill? Everything from courtesy clerks to management.
This might be the opportunity you've been looking for. What do you have to lose? Why not apply? It's only a three-day hiring event, and day 1 is already in the can. Swing by one of the many Western Colorado City Market locations and apply.