Western Colorado Bridges Back When They Weren’t So Good
How would you like to walk home from school and have to cross a bridge straight out of an Indiana Jones movie? Well, there was a time when the bridges in Western Colorado weren't quite as nice as they are today.
Why am I concerned about his now? I'm not much of a TV watcher, but here lately I've discovered this channel on Pluto that shows nothing but James Bond movies. Besides, this channel runs precisely two commercials: one being a campaign against government involvement in medical care, the other a political ad for Proposition CC on the 2019 ballot.
This is not an attempt to get on the political bandwagon. Not at all. Just the opposite. The Proposition CC ads got me thinking about Western Colorado bridges, that's all. Do you remember the 5th Street bridge back around 1984? It was a single lane in each direction. Every time you crossed it you were taking your life in your own hands. Many motorists had no idea as to the dimension of their vehicles. You'd constantly find oncoming traffic taking up half of your lane.
That was 1984. Check out these Robert Grant photos of Grand Junction area bridges from the 1940s and '50s.
Take a look at this bridge. It must have been designed by the same guys who designed the Death Star from Star Wars. As you may recall, that thing didn't have a single railing... anywhere! Stormtroopers were falling to their deaths right and left. Well, in this case, it's innocent children facing peril on the old Main Street bridge. Fortunately, it was torn down a long time ago. To this day, though, you can still see the old footers.
Back in September 1948, Grand Junction's Grand River Bridge looked like the bridge out of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. You remember, the bridge where Indy just about met his maker.
Things change. Grand Junction has come a long way when it comes to our bridges and roads. Hopefully, these photos provide an all-new appreciation for what we currently have.