Take it slow if you're walking Grand Junction's Audubon Trail. About midway along the trail you're going to encounter a road hazard.

Fallen trees are nothing new on the Grand Valley's Riverfront Trail. Typically, though, most fallen trees are fairly small and easily removed from the trail. Not in this case.

While not particularly dangerous in and of itself, this obstacle does present one danger. It's not far from a curve in the trail. Some bicyclists ride this trail at a high rate of speed. This road hazard comes up on you quick. Crews have placed cones in the area as a heads up. That, combined with flourescent orange paint, help to provide early warning for those traveling along this portion of the trail. Unfortunately, neither cone nor paint will protect travelers from a colossal head-bonk if unseen.

If you're cycling this portion of the trail, watch your speed. If heading east, you'll come upon this obstacle quickly. If dark outside, and without some kind of headlamp, this could go totally unseen.

Audubon Trail Fallen Tree 4
Waylon Jordan

I had the chance to see a couple of cyclists approaching this obstacle. Does anyone remember the game "Limbo"? It was incredibly popular at rollerskating rinks back in the 1970's.

Limbo is great on foot or on roller skates. Limbo on a bicycle... not so much. Some have tried. Many have failed.

This is a big tree. I suspect it's not going anywhere anytime soon. For those on foot, you can choose to play a less dangerous form of limbo, or you can simply walk around. For those on a bike, slow down and be ready to dismount.

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