Trouts Unlimited Hold Film Festival At Mesa Theater
Trout Unlimited is an organization that protects freshwater fish, and it's habitat. I had an opportunity to talk with Ben Bloodworth he is the President of Trout Unlimited the Grand Junction chapter.
There will be a fly fishing film festival this Friday night at the Mesa Theater. All the films are about fly fishing. They will be showing short films from around the world that have a conservation perspective, and some of the films are just about catching big fish.
Ben says a lot of what they do is about educating and letting people know what they can do to protect their waters. They teach about catch and release. How to release the fish so that they will survive.
Ben goes on to say that they work with school groups on educating the kids on how to protect the waters and teaching about the habitat these fish are in how to protect it. Find out how you can help by clicking here.
Tickets are available at Western Anglers downtown for just 15.00 or 20.00 at the door. Plus Oskar Blues Brewery is sponsoring the event, and your ticket includes a free beer if you are 21 years of age.