How to Stay Cool in the Blistering Sun at Country Jam
Temps are going to heat up for Country Jam, but what else do we expect? Here are some great tips to help you stay cool.
I will admit that I had never heard of a swamp cooler until I moved here! But, without air conditioning or a swamp cooler, how can we stay cooler and safe from the Colorado sun?
Of course, we can use some of the standard methods such as ceiling fans, keeping your curtains and blinds closed, not using the oven and grilling outside more.
As a kid, I remember my mom putting a bunch of ice into a big metal bowl and then turning a fan on. Sounds crazy, but it actually worked.
As always, it'll be a warm Country Jam weekend. So please keep these helpful tips in mind for your own safety.
- Try to find shaded areas. I know shade is sparse at Country Jam, but every little bit helps.
- Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water. Alcohol actually dehydrates you. So, enjoy in moderation.
- Find our KEKB Broadcaster Center for a cool place to rest. Plus, look for cooling stations around the Jam grounds.
- Plenty of sunblock, there's nothing worse than a sunburn on the first day!
So, what other ways have you used to stay cool with artificial means? With Country Jam this week, I'm sure there are a ton of off-the-wall ideas that will used out in the campsites.
Head to our comments section and let us know what works for you.