Halloween is near, and pumpkins abound. We all know what pumpkins are good for this time of year, but what do we do when Halloween is over? Here are some useful ideas help stretch your pumpkin dollar, and get a little extra use out of those things.

The world can only handle so many Pumpkin Spiced Chai drinks and Pumpkin Latte's. What does one do with the remnants of their pumpkin carving decorations? As you know doubt aware, those things start to get a little stinky after awhile.

Have you considered a pumpkin helmet? Okay, so it's not stylish, but it's better than nothing... not much better, but at least a little.

How about using leftover pumpkins as projectiles? Projectiles for what, we're not at liberty to say. Should it happen you need to launch a flaming pumpkin at someone, why not recycle and put that pumpkin to work?

Nothing makes wrinkles fade away like smearing pumpkin guts all over your face.

In the event, you have a giant pumpkin laying around, and in the event Western Colorado ever sees any water, you could put a pumpkin to work as an auxiliary lifeboat.

If all else fails, pumpkins make excellent targets for most any projectile. They are large, react when struck, and don't explode.

When Halloween comes to a close, don't throw that pumpkin away. The fun has only just begun. Pumpkins are kind of like pickup trucks - you'll find a new use for it every day, and you'll never be sorry you had one.

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