Ok so I'm not much of a cat person, but even I find this incredibly cute.

I don't know how this cat ever thought to do something like this. I mean it's pretty cool to see a cat stand on it's hind legs, and completely stretch out it's arms as if to give a hug. I was really surprised to see the cat stay like even after being lifted up.

Since I don't know much about cats I do have a few questions.

  1. Can you train a cat like you do a dog?
  2. Do cats usually stand on their hind legs and stretch their arms out like that?
  3. I've never seen a dog do that. Are cats smarter than dogs or are they just smaller and more flexible?
  4. If I go to a pet store will a cat give me a hug like that?

The kitty cat's name is actually Franzie and apparently he has more than just this one incredibly cute trick. I for one, can't wait to see more.

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