Things From Childhood That Kid’s These Days Wouldn’t Understand
It is amazing how life seems to repeat itself sometimes. We can all remember when we were young kids and our parents would tell how much easier life is now compared to when they were growing up. Now us adults are telling kids about how much easier life is now compared to when we were growing up. It's true, with the help of technology life is easier now, but that isn't a bad thing. Plus it's fun to have those memories of growing up.
I thought it would be fun to pose the following question online: Name one thing from your childhood that kids these days wouldn't understand? While I was excited to read the answers I didn't realize how many great memories it would bring back for me. There are so many things that we did growing up that are no longer "acceptable" or there are just better ways of accomplishing the same goal.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to comment an answer online. Here are the best responses we got when asking, Name one thing from your childhood that kids these days wouldn't understand?