Have you ever watched a zombie show and wanted to take your shot? Get Ready To Shoot Zombies To Your Hearts Content With The Fruita FFA at the Fruita Fall Festival this Friday and Saturday.
The "Zombie Walk", a Comic-Con feature over the weekend, was a little too real for a deaf family who hit and injured a 64-year-old woman when they were "attacked".
Tonight's all-new 'The Walking Dead' episode "Internment" kept right on dealing with the threats inside the prison walls, but the closing moments of the hour revealed that the greatest threat lies just outside the gates! Check out what you-know-who's been up to in the first sneak peek clip of next week's all-new installment, "Live Bait"!
Our second annual 'Last Run of Your Life' was a frightenly-awesome good time, and we're ecstatic with the turn out. The weather was beautiful, and runners and zombies alike had a great time. Take a look at the results and photos from the 'Last Run of Your Life.'
We would all be so boned if zombies could actually do this stuff. Or, you know, if they actually existed at all. But especially if they existed AND had mad parkour skills.
It's unclear exactly what exactly Jerimiah Hartline was on last Saturday night, but it's safe to say it was pretty strong.
In his altered state the 19-year-old from Tennessee decided to steal a big rig full of strawberries that had been parked in a weigh station at a Rainbow, California rest stop.