It's no secret the people you seen in advertisements are gorgeous beyond belief thanks to computer programs like Photoshop. This video reverses all the changes made by the program. When you see what this babe really looks like, I guarantee it's gonna blow your mind.
Russian women don't mess around. Did this elderly Russian woman scream for help when she was attacked by a wolf? Nope. She went all Liam Neeson on it, showing the beast that in Russia, you don't attack an old lady, OLD LADY ATTACKS YOU!
Haven’t you ever been groggily watching ‘The Price is Right’ one morning, only to find yourself thinking, “boy, that reasonably priced set of crystal stemware would seem more obtainable if it were presented by a handsome chap, rather than this distractingly attractive gal?” Word for word, you say? Well, good news everyone! ‘The Price is Right’ is about to become equal opportunity, and you could