More Sears and Kmart Stores Scheduled to CloseMore Sears and Kmart Stores Scheduled to CloseThe Grand Junction Kmart store has already closed. Is the Sears store part of the next round of over 60 stores scheduled to close? What about other stores in western Colorado?Ed ChandlerEd Chandler
What Should Go Here?What Should Go Here?It's the last days of Kmart on North Avenue in Grand Junction, so it's time to start thinking about what could go there in its place.Zane MathewsZane Mathews
Kmart Turning Off Blue Lights Around the CountryKmart Turning Off Blue Lights Around the CountryKmart will be turning off blue lights around the country in 2016.Tim GrayTim Gray
Kmart’s 1998 Online Shopping Ad Is a Cry for Days Gone ByKmart’s 1998 Online Shopping Ad Is a Cry for Days Gone ByOnline shopping. It's as much a part of our lives today as breathing. But time was it was as novel a concept as Kanye West smiling.Staff WriterStaff Writer
Offensive CommercialsOffensive CommercialsDo you think Kmart's new "Show Your Joe" & last years "Ship Your Pants" commercial are offensive? Check em out . . .Mackenzie DodgeMackenzie Dodge