Grand Junction Woman Creates Hiking Facebook Group For Women
The group has members from Aspen to Durango and connects women who love hiking.

New Colorado Trend: Going Topless on Hikes
A growing trend in Colorado for women is hiking to the top of a peak, then taking a topless picture from behind.

Grand Junction Is Home to World’s Second Largest Cluster of Arches
Among western Colorado's dozens of hiking trails is one that leads to Rattlesnake Arches, the Grand Valley's best-kept secret.

Take a Hike: Top Five Hiking Trails in Grand Junction
Take a hike because these are the top 5 hiking trails in Grand Junction

Hiking Rifle Falls: Wedding, Chipmunk, Picnic + More Pictures
This is what it's like to hike Rifle Falls at Rifle Falls State Park

The Best Hiking Experience is the Palisade Rim Trail
If you're looking for a fun hiking trail near Grand Junction, you should try the Palisade Rim Trail.

If You're Going Hiking It's Best to Leave Your Valuables at Home
According to a recent post from the Mesa County Sheriff's Office, they are getting reports of thieves stealing items left in cars. They recommend bringing those valuables inside whenever possible.

Expert Tips For Hiking During Coronavirus Pandemic
There are plenty of things we can't do right now, but one thing we can do in western Colorado is go hiking.

3 Amazing Hikes Less Than 30 Minutes From Grand Junction
When you live in western Colorado, you don't have to travel far to find a good hike.

Take a Winter Walk at Grand Junction's Watson Island
Are you looking for a short walk conveniently located near downtown Grand Junction? Have you visited the trails at Watson Island lately? Make a point to visit while there's still snow on the ground.
Fresh snow on New Year's Day made for the perfect excuse to enjoy a walk at Watson Island...