Runaway Giant Inflatable Pumpkin Wreaks Havoc on TownRunaway Giant Inflatable Pumpkin Wreaks Havoc on TownIt's a bird! It's a plane! It's a...pumpkin?Staff WriterStaff Writer
Watch 1,400-Pound Pumpkin Totally Demolish MinivanWatch 1,400-Pound Pumpkin Totally Demolish MinivanPumpkins -- they're great for pie, jack-o'-lanterns and, apparently, weapons of automotive destruction.Staff WriterStaff Writer
Milk to Grow a Giant Pumpkin?Milk to Grow a Giant Pumpkin?Random question I know, but according to one of my listeners this is the way to go! Take a look/listen and tell me what you think!Mackenzie DodgeMackenzie Dodge