I love flowers and use to know a farmer who grew sunflowers and every year we would stop by and get our picture taken right in the middle of the sunflowers they were so awesome.
Step outside, smell that?
Yea, sorry about that.
I kid, I kid. It's Colorado. Ponderosa pine, wildflowers, fresh air. Everywhere you go in the state, there's a different aroma to take in. Let's take a look at some of our favorites.
If you're looking for some space saving ways to add some beauty and color to your patio or entry then take a look at what you can do that's not only space saving, but money saving as well.
Valentines day is on the way! For those of you that don't know it's coming up on February 14th. I like to plan ahead because it saves you the headache and heartache you'll receive if you forget. I'm going to help you get prepared by showing you the different places you can order flowers for Valentines Day...