Whether we'd care to believe it or not, a lot of people are moving to Colorado because - duh - it's a really great place to live. It also has a lot of green attractions (all kinds, wink wink), making it an alluring place to start a fresh new life. But while a lot of people are moving to Colorado, it turns out one particular city is actually losing about as much people as are coming in.
It would seem when it comes to the economy, Grand Junction is moving at a snail's pace. So, when you consider the city is one of the Colorado cities least affected by inflation is that a good or bad thing?
Four years ago, during the last presidential campaign, the American economy was collapsing faster than it had since the Great Depression. Now, with the 2012 election upon us, most analysts agree that the economy is in a period of slow recovery—a bit too slow, according to just about everyone.