Greeley Police Release Video of Golf Course Cow ChaseGreeley Police Release Video of Golf Course Cow ChaseGreeley Police have released body cam footage after they were called to the Highland Hills Golf Course for a cow on the green.Michael MasonMichael Mason
Mesa County Sheriff’s Deputy Rounds Up More Than CriminalsMesa County Sheriff’s Deputy Rounds Up More Than CriminalsThe Mesa County Sheriff's Office is familiar with rounding up criminals and hauling them off to jail. This roundup didn't involve the bad guys.Ed ChandlerEd Chandler
Cowabunga, Dude! Unknown Shooter Kills Innocent BovineCowabunga, Dude! Unknown Shooter Kills Innocent BovineAn innocent cow was killed by an unknown shooter in a field in Grand Junction and police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the death.Ed ChandlerEd Chandler
Cow Walking With Leg Braces Is Just So Darned Moo-VingCow Walking With Leg Braces Is Just So Darned Moo-VingMeet Fawn, a cow unlike any other you've ever seen.Staff WriterStaff Writer