The Great Pizza BustThe Great Pizza BustRelationships with the police are already tense enough these days without pizza getting in the middle of all the drama.Staff WriterStaff Writer
Officer (And True Hero) Runs Into Burning House to Save ChildOfficer (And True Hero) Runs Into Burning House to Save ChildCheck out this remarkable footage that proves police officers are indeed here to serve and to protect.Staff WriterStaff Writer
Cop Wins Internet GloryCop Wins Internet Glory"It's not how you start, it's how you finish" would definitely be the mantra this officer would pass on to people.Staff WriterStaff Writer
Sell Weed To a Cop?Sell Weed To a Cop?Why anyone would try to sell marijuana to a cop is beyond me.Josh TaylorJosh Taylor
Cop + Duck = Racial Issue? VIDEOCop + Duck = Racial Issue? VIDEOI'll be honest I'm not sure how this feel good video of a cop stopping traffic for a mama duck turned into a racial issue, I just thought it was a cute video!Mackenzie DodgeMackenzie Dodge