Cell Phone

Cell Phone Scam
Cell Phone Scam
Cell Phone Scam
There is a new scam that includes a virus that will cause your phone to lose all internet connection. Attempting to force users to pay to regain control of their phones.
Putting Your Car On “Automatic” With An App
Putting Your Car On “Automatic” With An App
Putting Your Car On “Automatic” With An App
Many car companies are using computer monitoring of your car as a selling point. If you have an older model car you can now have the same features, including calling emergency services being called in case of an accident, using a new app called "Automatic"
What Is Causing More Distracted Driving Than Cell Phones?
What Is Causing More Distracted Driving Than Cell Phones?
What Is Causing More Distracted Driving Than Cell Phones?
We all know the dangers of distracted driving, whether it's using a cell phone, eating a burger, putting on make up, or fiddling with the car stereo. Turns out the real danger is kids. A study at Monash University shows that it's actually more dangerous to drive with kids than it is to use a cell phone while driving.