Amazing: Grand Junction Man Carves Avocado, Pumpkin + MoreAmazing: Grand Junction Man Carves Avocado, Pumpkin + MoreWe're convinced that Willy Tuz can carve literally anything.Alicia SelinAlicia Selin
This Halloween’s Most Colorado-Esque Jack-O’-Lanterns, EverThis Halloween’s Most Colorado-Esque Jack-O’-Lanterns, EverIt's that time of the year, it's time to carve some pumpkins! I love coming up with unique pumpkin ideas so here are a few Colorado inspired pumpkin carvings.Alicia SelinAlicia Selin
Next Level of Pumpkin CarvingNext Level of Pumpkin CarvingCarving a pumpkin is an art (even when bullets are flying). Don't believe us? Watch this and prepare to have you mind changed (not to mention blown).Staff WriterStaff Writer