Bill Hader, Jack Black and Maya Rudolph Do a Bad Lip Reading of ‘Star Wars’
Whether it’s Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead or The Hunger Games, you’ve surely seen one of the Bad Lip Reading videos on YouTube. They take a movie or TV show (or footage from football games) and re-record the dialogue with hilarious results. Today they’ve finally set their sights on the original Star Wars trilogy and they’ve brought along some famous friends for the ride.
Normally the Bad Lip Reading is done by a single, and still anonymous, producer, but this time he’s got some special guests: Jack Black as Darth Vader, Maya Rudolph as Princess Leia and Bill Hader as Uncle Owen, Boba Fett, Bib Fortuna, Jabba the Hutt and Nien Nunb.
The rest is classic Bad Lip Reading with Obi Wan telling Han Solo, “I don’t want your sass,” or Han Solo yelling to no one in particular, “It looks like there’s a Cheeto!”
The first Star Wars video is above with The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi below. With any luck we’ll have a Force Awakens version before too long. (No point in doing one for the prequel trilogy; the dialogue in those movies is ridiculous enough already.)
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