Fans at a recent Star Trek convention were asked to rank Trek's films in order from best to worst. Strangely, some films that weren't even Star Trek movies made the list. The results are in, and they may surprise, maybe even anger you.

No surprise whatsoever, Star Trek II, The Wrath of Khan, came in first place as the most love film in the franchise. Coming in as something of a shocker, though, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, didn't come in last. When it is all said and done, the results add credence to the long held "Even Number" theory suggesting even numbered Star Trek films are superior to their odd numbered counterparts. Check out the list.

  1. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

  2. Star Trek: First Contact

  3. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

  4. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

  5. Star Trek III: The Search For Spock

  6. Star Trek 2009

  7. Galaxy Quest

  8. Star Trek: Generations

  9. Star Trek: The Motion Picture

  10. Star Trek: Nemesis

  11. Star Trek: Insurrection

  12. Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

  13. Star Trek: Into Darkness

Does it strike you as a bit strange that Galaxy Quest made the list? For that matter, how did the much despised Star Trek: Nemesis make it to number ten? What's up with the blockbuster Star Trek: Into Darkness coming in last?


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