What's going on?
What Should Replace McDonalds in Grand Junction Walmart Stores?
Grand Junction Walmart stores are eliminating the McDonald's restaurants within their stores, but no one is sure what will replace the fast-food giant.
Gov. Polis Signs Transportation Bill, You're Going to Pay More
New fees will be implemented next year with the new transportation bill that passed in Colorado.
City of Grand Junction Block Party Trailer Available for Use
The City of Grand Junction has a block party trailer to help you get to know your neighbors.
Why Are Grand Junction Criminals Back on the Street Hours After A
Have you wondered why criminals are arrested then let back out on the streets, here is why it happens.
12 Tremendous Catering Options in Grand Junction
Here are 12 fantastic catering options available here in Grand Junction.
10 Ways to Remember Dad Father's Day Since He Has Passed Away
Here are 10 ways to remember dad on Father's Day if he has already passed away.
Goat Yoga Helping You Exercise in Grand Junction This Weekend
The goat yoga class will last one hour taking with the entire event taking place at the Mesa County Fairgrounds from 8:30 a.m. until 10:00 a.m.