Newly elected District Attorney Dan Rubinstein has worked out the terms of his salary. With a twist.

It was his idea to NOT accept any type of raise for the two years of his term.

Rubinstein made this request and told KREX NEWS that he did it to help Mesa County easier deal with it's financial difficulties. However, there a plot twist to this.

Although Rubinstein will not receive any type of raise for the first two years, in 2018 he WILL receive a $20,000 raise and then an additional $3,000 the following year.

$20,000 a year.

Well, well. How do ya'll feel about that?

I think Commissioner Scott McGinnis said it the best. Since Rubinstein ran unopposed, McGinnis said

'we have no choice'

Mr. McGinnis, I believe you DO have a choice. You are a Mesa County Commissioner. By the way, how much do YOU make?





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