Searching For Bigfoot On Grand Mesa
Watch this video of a Bigfoot search on the Grand Mesa. It's brought to you by the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization.
Call me crazy, but I LOVE all these types of 'conspiracy theory' subjects. Whether it is the moon landing (still not 100 per cent convinced we DID), UFOs, Loch Ness monster, etc. But, one that really perks me up is the legend of Bigfoot. Sometimes referred to as Sasquatch.
Most people, including researchers and scientists, call this creature a myth, folklore or a hoax. Usually explained away by a misidentification for another animal. For the most part, Bigfoot or Sasquatch is said to live in heavily forested areas such as the Pacific Northwest. But, why not the Grand Mesa? It's quiet, secluded and food seems to be plentiful. Seems like perfect Bigfoot country.
Have YOU ever seen or heard something you couldn't completely explain? Have you seen a Bigfoot?
Check out a little history on this creature.
Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization