Road Rage in Colorado: It’s a Problem, Ranking Says
According to a new survey, Colorado might have a road rage problem. Recently, I was in Old Town Fort Collins, and a driver made a big mistake.

The driver went through a stoplight and turned left. The driver didn't notice that a pedestrian was walking on the crosswalk.
This was 100% the driver's fault. However, the pedestrian started screaming at the driver and attempted to chase the driver down on foot.
Road rage happens, and most people are guilty of it. When does road rage go too far?
Coloradans Have Road Rage More Than Most States
Forbes ranked the states with the most confrontational drivers, and Colorado cracked the top 25.
Where Did Colorado Rank?
Colorado was ranked the 15th most confrontational.
According to Forbes, 15.5% of Centennial State drivers have exited their vehicle in an altercation. Additionally, 14.5% of Colorado drivers have road rage often.
Arizona has the most angry drivers, while Deleware has the most laid-back ones.
Examples of Road Rage
- Yelling or engaging with other drivers
- Aggressive driving such as speeding, tailgating, or slamming on breaks
- Flashing lights/honking
If You Are Guilty of Road Rage: What You Should Do
Here are the top 3 tips from BetterHelp, a mental health resource.
- Plan ahead and don't rush while driving.
- Understand that people make mistakes.
- Avoid engaging with other angry drivers.
Legal Laws Regarding Road Rage
Bachus & Schanker said these are the laws against road rage in Colorado.
The legal ramifications of being involved in a road rage accident in Colorado are both criminal and civil. A person can face criminal charges such as reckless driving, assault, and battery or assault with a dangerous weapon.
When you feel road rage coming, make sure to take a deep breath. People can be jerks, it doesn't mean that you have to be one as well.
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