No Place For Prayer in High School Football
Here's another "what is the world coming to?" situation. According to some, there is no place for prayer in high school sports. At least not over the PA system.
A high school in Oneida, Tennessee had been saying a public prayer over the loud speaker before football games for decades. It was tradition, and why mess with tradition?
Because atheists and civil rights leaders don't believe God should have anything to do with football, and having prayers said over the loud speaker violates the separation of church and state.
A moment of silence was agreed upon by school officials instead of the prayer- but that wasn't good enough for one cheerleader. She started reciting the Lord's Prayer during the moment of silence.
And she wasn't alone.
The entire stadium joined in. Including the opposing team and their cheerleaders.
As long as it's not said over the PA system, those who oppose the decades long tradition of saying a prayer before home football games will allow it.