At long last the mystery is solved for so many of us who are laundry-challenged --how to fold a fitted sheet like a pro.I don't mind doing laundry...folding shirts and towels and jeans and pillow cases and flat sheets. But, hand me a fitted sheet and expect it to look half-way decent and I about lose my mind.

I have earnestly tried to fold a fitted sheet so that it doesn't end up looking like a pile of chaos, but it seems like no matter how hard I try the end result is the same. It looks like a complete disaster. I end up with a nicely folded flat sheet and pillowcases, and a fitted sheet that looks like it was folded by a three-year old.

But, now, thanks to I think there is finally hope for me - and others just like me. Jill makes folding a fitted sheet look so easy -however, she does admit that it could take a little practice. I suddenly feel inspired to rush home and give this thing a whirl. If Jill can teach me to fold a fitted sheet, maybe she can also give me some tips to improve my golf game.

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