Love It or Hate It, Is This the Best or Worst National Anthem Ever? [poll]
While NASCAR fans were all fired up on Sunday for the first race of the season this past weekend at Daytona, a lot of fans were fired up before the race even began, after hearing Madison Rising's rock rendition of The Star Spangled Banner.
Some people thought Madison Rising's national anthem was horrible, while others thought it was quite original, unique, and extremely cool.
The first time I heard this I thought it was terrible. Just terrible. The second time I heard it, I thought, well, it is very unique, but I don't love it. And that's where I landed. I don't love it.
Generally speaking, I tend to be more of a traditionalist in my life. I also tend to have a strong dislike for change in my life, as a lot of people do. When it comes to the national anthem, I think it should be sung the way it's always been sung. Sing the notes that were written. If you want to be creative with a song, take a song like "Happy Birthday" and make it yours. Let's leave the national anthem alone! It's perfectly fine the way it is.
Take a listen and see what you think. Here's a heads up - the first half is fairly traditional, while the second half sounds like the national anthem from some foreign country.