Looking For Love? Don’t Look In Colorado
According to a study made by Michigan State University, there are 42 states better for finding love than Colorado.
According to the study, which used things such as attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety to determine if the state was a hotbed for love or just kind of blah.
The school looked at personality traits of over 100,000 people to determine what makes a good state for finding love as opposed to those places you might want to avoid.
The states filling out the top five are sort of surprising to me. But then, I thought with a city like Loveland in our state we would have been ranked much higher. Insecurity in a relationship, either one a person is currently in or one they are thinking about is a major contributor to how these states were ranked as well.
The top five are:
2-Utah (yes, Utah)
Colorado finishing in the bottom part of the list surprises me, but when you look at how they put the list together, it makes a little more sense.
Come on, Colorado. Let's shoot for the top 20 next year.