Longstanding ‘Partners Auction’ Will Not Be Happening in 2020
More sad news today from the world of COVID-19. The much-loved annual event, the Partners Auction, has been cancelled for 2020.
For several years now, the month of September has welcomed the Partners Auction, benefiting the kids at Mesa County Partners. The following statement was distributed to Western Colorado media outlets earlier today:
This email is to inform you the 2020 Partners Auction will not be happening. Due to COVID, Partners didn't feel right asking businesses for donations since many business owners are feeling a financial strain. We will be collaborating with two other youth serving agencies in our community, CASA and Summit West Care's newborn and pediatric care program. - Mesa County Partners
Partners is open and offering their usual programs for kids and young adults in the community. According to their official webpage, their mission statement reads:
The mission of Mesa County Partners is to make a difference in the lives of young people by helping them develop a positive self-image, a sense of belonging, and an acceptance of responsibility for their actions.
In lieu of the auction, Partners will hold another type of online fundraiser. The organization will host a 50/50 online raffle kicking off this October. They expect the raffle to run for approximately six weeks. When it's all said and done, the winner will receive 50 percent of the online raffle ticket sales. What about the other 50 percent? That will be split between Partners, CASA, and Summit West Care's newborn and pediatric care program.
Personally, I am going to miss the auction. The radio jocks in this town always loved hosting the event. You haven't lived until you've seen a bunch of jocks trying to do live television. It was amusing to say the least.
In the meantime, youth in Western Colorado will benefit from the awesome raffle scheduled to launch in a few weeks. According to the email from Partners, "The raffle will be a great way to support young people in our community while staying safe!"