To save quite a bit of money, here is a list of the top items you should always purchase at your local Grand Junction Dollar Stores.

Now, not everything at a dollar store is a great deal, but I can't resist checking in at my favorite one, at least once or twice a week. The Dollar Tree on North Avenue down from Hastings is my go to discount place. Everything is $1. Sweet.

From here's a list of best buy items at the dollar store.


I agree with a few of these. For starters,

  • Tinfoil. Yes, I know the quality is not quite as great and I need to use twice as much, but I've done the math and it's totally worth it.
  • Socks. Again, sounds weird, but I found some great heavy wool socks that are very warm and durable.
  • Holiday decorations. They're disposable and cheap.
  • Cleaning supplies. The only difference I have noticed is with the big bottle cleansers. That clean smell might not linger as long as the brand names, but stuff's clean.
  • Snacks, candy and food. I would not do my grocery shopping here, but if you look around, you can score some great deals.  Turkey bacon for $1!


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