Library Tech Expo Offers Fascinating Demonstrations and Information
The Grand Junction Tech Expo is a great way to learn about some of the latest technology and easy ways to access it.
The Tech Expo at the Mesa County Library is a free event bringing local tech organizations together to show what they have to offer and showcase the library's own technical resources.
The expo will include demonstrations of robots, digital cameras, 3-D printing, and Raspberry Pi. It will also give attendees a chance to learn about the library's e-books, online magazines, Lynda, Minecraft, and other tech-related resources.
The library's 970West Studio will be open for tours and visitors can see live-streaming demonstrations and learn about how the studio works and arranging use of the studio for audio and video production.
The Mesa County Library Tech Expo is Tuesday, January 24, from 4 p.m. until 7 p.m. at the Central Library, 443 North 6th Street.
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