WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.


Out on Colorado's eastern plains sits the abandoned ghost town of Last Chance.

Once a Cute Little Town

The town of Last Chance was evidently once a cute little town east of Denver with a motel, small homes, and a Dairy King fast-food restaurant.

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Strange Findings

Nowadays, the town of Last Chance, Colorado is mostly abandoned but oddly enough, there are some signs of life left behind. For example, some of the dilapidated rooms contain mattresses that appear to have been recently used as sleeping areas for homeless people.

In addition, there are several instances of perfectly good chairs sitting in the buildings positioned in a way as if someone was using them to look out the windows onto the nearby highway.

Toilets and Paranormal Activity

Strangely, some of the most common items found in the abandoned ghost town are toilets. They are strewn about the old buildings, inside of crawlspaces, and even found on sidewalks.

There also may be some paranormal activity going on in Last Chance as a couple of videographers exploring the town allegedly saw boards moving by themselves in one of the buildings.

Take a virtual tour of the abandoned ghost town of Last Chance, Colorado:

Last Chance Colorado is an Eerily Abandoned Ghost Town

WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

The Colorado town of Last Chance is mostly abandoned but some signs of life raise suspicion that someone or something may still be hanging around.

Colorado Ghost Town Has Cemetery With Surprisingly Young Graves

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The abandoned ghost town of Keota, Colorado has old buildings, a water tower, and a cemetery with graves of both old and young.

Check Out Entire Neighborhood Eerily Abandoned in Colorado

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An entire neighborhood in Colorado is full of homes and buildings that are completely abandoned.

Strange Abandoned Colorado Home Covered in Graffiti Art

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Deep in the Colorado wilderness sits a tall, narrow, abandoned home that is now covered from head to toe in graffiti art.

Remembering Now Abandoned Colorado Amusement Park

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Heritage Square was an amusement park in Golden, Colorado that was open from 1959 to 2018.

Check Out Colorado’s Red Mountain Ghost Town

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Just off of Colorado’s Million Dollar Highway is a small abandoned ghost town called Red Mountain.

Check Out Colorado's Bum Butt Cave:

WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

There is a cave in Colorado with the graffiti of "Bum Butt Cave" written on it:

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