Who does Jeff Dunham pick to win the Super Bowl? Who would his half dozen alter egos pick? Check out this hilarious video. It won't necessarily answer any questions, but it will give you a chuckle or two.

Walter, the curmudgeonly old man, is more than clear as to where he stands. Peanut, on the other hand, is a little more vague. Jose' is too distressed to make an executive decision, or to even stay on task for that matter.

Bubba J has nothing of any significance to offer, although he did pick Schlitz Beer to be victorious in the big game. Although Big Daddy D remains undecided, he does come equipped with a handful of clever one-liners.  Achmed The Dead Terrorist has absolutely nothing to contribute.

If you're looking for advice before you bet the farm, you might want to look somewhere besides these guys. You'd be better of having a chimp throw darts at a dartboard.

While offering no empirical data, they do have a funny way of looking at the upcoming Super Bowl. If you're getting anxious about the game, you might choose to watch this video a time or two to sooth your nerves.

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