January 9 Is the Most Dangerous Day of the Year in Colorado
Watch your step tomorrow (January 9). Did you know the date has been designated the "Most Dangerous Day" for workers in Colorado?
How did this designation come about? What's so special about January 9? Pinnacol Assurance analyzed data to isolate the “Most Dangerous Day” for workers in Colorado. Their findings: over the past five years, January 9 has consistently been the most dangerous day of the year, resulting in the most workers' comp claims.
Who is Pinnacol Assurance? The statement on their official webpage reads:
Protect them with Colorado’s leading workers’ compensation insurance. We provide safety and protection for the future of your company and your workers.
It appears Pinnacol Assurance is Colorado’s largest workers’ compensation carrier. The company's data shows a 62% spike when it comes to injuries on the date of January 9. How many does that equal in Colorado? That would total 198 reported injuries in Colorado in one day, with most involving slipping, tripping, and falling on ice or snow. According to Pinnacol.com -
Snowy weather is part of Colorado’s allure and charm, and anyone who’s lived or run a business here knows conditions can change rapidly. So it’s no surprise that we see a lot of these injuries.” - Ellen Sarvay, Pinnacol safety consultant
Okay, but why January 9? Why not January 8 or 10? What significant events could have contributed to the spike in injuries on this date? After some digging, the only significant events associated with January 9 are:
- 1976: Sylvester Stallone begins filming "Rocky"
- 1996: fashion critic Mr. Blackwell named disc jockey Howard Stern to his annual list of worst dressed women.
That's about it. So, while it seems there is nothing particularly fascinating about the date of January 9, there is simply no denying what the data suggests - January 9 is a very dangerous day.
Perhaps there is something to be said for the data. Looking at Grand Junction's weather, the National Weather Service expects a 20% chance of snow tonight (January 8), while January 9 is expected to be foggy with a 40% chance of snow. Perfect conditions for the "slip, trip, and fall on ice" conditions specified by Pinnacol Assurance. We've been warned. Take it easy tomorrow, and watch your step.