One of the things that sets the state of Colorado apart from many of its flatter neighboring states is its natural beauty. The Centennial State is quite literally an outdoor playground for those who enjoy hiking, rafting, and fishing, among other outdoors activities.

Read More: Difficult Hike Leads to Beautiful Colorado Lake + Scenery |

However, in order to maintain the amount of natural beauty that Colorado is known for, sometimes steps must be taken to preserve certain areas.

One of these places is not only located in an absolutely gorgeous part of the state but is also highly revered by the Indigenous people who consider it ancestral land.

Colorado's Dolores River Canyon Country Seeking Protection

In the relatively undeveloped part of southwestern Colorado is a stunning example of Colorado's natural beauty known as Dolores River Canyon.

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Prior to the settlement of European miners in the 1800s, this area was considered sacred ancestral land to numerous Ute tribes, as well as Pueblo, Hopi, and Navajo people.

However, recent years have seen this land become corrupted due to things like mining, recreation, climate change, and most of all, pressures to allow development.

Because of this, a group known as Protect the Dolores was not only established but has been making waves in efforts to protect this sacred land.

While mining operations date back centuries, the group's main goal is to preserve the land as much as possible while still allowing things like hunting, mountain biking, and hiking, all without imposing fees for those who wish to use the land for these types of activities.

Check out the full story at the official website of Protect the Dolores.

See the Black Canyon of the Gunnison as You Never Have Before

One of Colorado’s four National Parks, the Black Canyon of the Gunnison is truly a natural wonder.

Gallery Credit: Nate Wilde

Colorado’s Penitente Canyon is a Beautiful Place with a Dark Past

If you’re an avid rock climber in Colorado, you probably know about Penitente Canyon near the Great Sand Dunes. However, the canyon is said to have quite the dark past.

Gallery Credit: Nate Wilde

Colorado Paranormal Group Speaks to Spirits in Escalante Canyon

The Hotchkiss Paranormal Investigators took a recent trip to Escalante Canyon, Colorado in order to speak to spirits in the area.

Gallery Credit: Nate Wilde

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