What are Colorado’s Official State Animals?
You probably know that the official state flower of Colorado is the columbine, and it's almost guaranteed that you know what the state flag looks like, but not everyone knows the state animal of the Centennial State. In fact, there are actually five different animals that are named the state animals of Colorado. Keep scrolling to learn more.
Colorado's State Animal: Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep
First, we have the state's official animal, the Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep. Scientifically known as Ovis canadensis, the Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep was named the official state animal of Colorado on May 1, 1961.

Colorado's State Fish: Greenback Cutthroat Trout
Next, we have the official state fish of Colorado, the Greenback cutthroat trout. Scientifically known as Oncorhynchus clarki somias, the Greenback cutthroat trout became Colorado's state fish on March 15, 1994.
Colorado's State Insect: Colorado Hairstreak Butterfly
Colorado's state insect is a beautiful purple, orange, and black butterfly known as the Colorado hairstreak butterfly. The Hypaurotis crysalis became Colorado's state insect on April 17, 1996, by a group of schoolchildren in the Denver suburb of Aurora.
Colorado's State Bird: Lark Bunting
Next we have the official state bird of Colorado, the Lark bunting. Scientifically known as Calamospiza melancorys stejneger, the black and white bird became Colorado's official state bird way back on April 29, 1931.
Colorado's Official Reptile: Western Painted Turtle
Finally, we have the official state reptile of Colorado which is the Western painted turtle. Scientifically known as Chrysemys picta bellii, this turtle became the official reptile of Colorado on March 18, 2008.
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