Colorado is full of old, abandoned ghost towns, many of which were created as a direct result of the mining boom of the mid-1800s. Ironically, it was also the failure of these mining operations due to either contamination or the drying up of resources that also caused them to be abandoned.

Read More: Exploring The Mysteries Behind Colorado's Forgotten Ghost Towns |

One Colorado ghost town, however, has a slightly different story as it was created as a sort of template or prototype for future communities.

Keep scrolling to learn about the fascinating story of the now-abandoned town of Model, Colorado.

Location of Model Colorado

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As you'll see above, Model was located just northeast of Trinidad, Colorado in the southeastern portion of the state.

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However, instead of being built alongside the busy I-25 interstate highway, Model was located off of the much less booming Route 350.

What Was it Like in Model Colorado?

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For many years, Model, Colorado served as a tiny community on the state's eastern plains with a post office, grocery store, and a handful of homes in which its residents lived.

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What's it Like in Model Colorado Today?

While Model has been essentially abandoned for many years, the town's post office operated from 1921 all the way up to 2021 before closing its doors for good.

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Many of the houses and buildings in Model that have been abandoned are still standing but are slowly succumbing to the elements.

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Some of the old shacks look quite sad sitting in a field of dead grass and weeds.

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While it's unsafe to attempt to explore any of the abandoned buildings in Model, the fact that it sits alongside Route 350 makes it quite accessible by car.

Tour Colorado Ghost Town of Goldfield + Odd Findings

WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

The old mining town of Goldfield, Colorado has been abandoned for some time but the existing structures leave many questions unanswered.

Gallery Credit: Nate Wilde

Abandoned Hospital + Homes in Colorado Mountain Ghost Town

WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

Take a virtual tour of some of the buildings left behind at a now-abandoned Colorado ghost town located high in the mountains.

Gallery Credit: Nate Wilde

11 Colorado Ghost Towns that are Shells of their Former Selves

Learn about and take virtual tours of 11 Colorado ghost towns and some of the buildings that still stand there.

Gallery Credit: Nate Wilde