It goes without saying that the state of Colorado is full of magnificent natural beauty and oftentimes, the further you delve into the mountains, the more beautiful it gets.

However, getting to these prime examples of what many call, "God's Country" isn't always the easiest of tasks. In fact, some of the most beautiful scenery that Colorado has to offer requires a sketchy trip over a mountain pass.

Read More: Sketchy Yet Beautiful: A Road Trip Over Colorado’s Engineer Pass |

While there are numerous mountain passes that call the Centennial State home, only one can have the distinction of being the highest, and that honor goes to Argentine Pass outside of Georgetown.

Colorado's Highest Named + Vehicle Accessible Pass

Argentine Pass, though less than a mile in overall length, is truly something to behold. The pass is located due south of Georgetown and takes motorists on a trip over the Continental Divide.

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However, like many of Colorado's mountain passes, Argentine Pass is not for the faint of heart and you certainly don't want to attempt the trip in a less-than-suitable vehicle.

In fact, it's recommended that motorists only attempt the trip in a four-wheel-drive vehicle with plenty of clearance as the unkempt dirt road is filled with large rocks. In addition, the only time that Argentine Pass is accessible is during the warmer months of the year as the land is literally considered Alpine Tundra.

Keep scrolling to take a much safer, virtual trip over Argentine Pass, the highest vehicle-accessible named mountain pass in Colorado.

Take a Virtual Trip Over Colorado’s Highest Named Mountain Pass

Argentine Pass is the highest vehicle-accessible pass with a name in all of Colorado.

Gallery Credit: Nate Wilde

Sketchy Yet Beautiful: A Road Trip Over Colorado’s Engineer Pass

Take a virtual drive over Colorado’s Engineer Pass, a drive that is just as beautiful as it is sketchy.

Gallery Credit: Nate Wilde

Colorado’s Old Monarch Pass is Not for the Faint of Heart

Take a virtual trip over Colorado’s Old Monarch Pass, an old dirt road that travels over the continental divide and is what many would call ‘sketchy.’

Gallery Credit: Nate Wilde