Out in the country of Weld County, Colorado, lies a small town with a big history named Kersey.

While the town epitomizes Colorado country living, many residents would attest that one place that is totally off-limits is the old grain silo. However, a newly received grant from the EPA could change all of that in the near future.

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In case you're not familiar, Kersey is located on Colorado's eastern plains just southeast of Greeley.

FOX31 Denver via YouTube
FOX31 Denver via YouTube

Less than 60 years after Kersey was established as a town, a large grain elevator was erected and served the needs of many workers in the area. However, the grain silo has since been abandoned and left to rot, becoming one of the biggest eyesores in the small town.

FOX31 Denver via YouTube
FOX31 Denver via YouTube

Longtime residents of Kersey describe having been discouraged from visiting the abandoned grain silo because of the many dangers including, but not limited to, asbestos.

FOX31 Denver via YouTube
FOX31 Denver via YouTube

Some of the other reasons that residents have been discouraged from visiting the site include the proximity to the local ditch, as well as general safety concerns that come with accessing abandoned properties.

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However, the town of Kersey, Colorado recently received an unprecedented grant from the Environmental Protection Agency of roughly $1.3 million that will be used to not only demolish the structures currently on the property but to repurpose it as well.

As of now, it would appear that the town of Kersey plans to use the grant to turn the property into a brewery and restaurant; an idea that would eliminate the current eyesore and the current danger, and most likely prove to be a new and exciting destination that will boost the local economy.

[FOX31 News]

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WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

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Gallery Credit: Nate Wilde