Grand Junction, Colorado is a great place to live -- no matter what many may say.

There are things, however, that you may not understand if you just moved here or are just visiting. Asking a local the meaning of certain things just may get you the side-eye or made fun of.

Read More: Ancient Viking Ship Appears Beached Grand Junction Colo.'s Desert

Don't worry, we have the inside scoop and will try to help you out.

Meaning of Things Around Grand Junction, Colorado

For the sake of keeping it simple, we're going to lump the whole Grand Valley together -- sorry, Palisade and Fruita, we're really one big family.

If you were able to hover over the Grand Valley so you could clearly see it from all angles, you'd notice so many different landmarks. Not to mention roads crisscrossing everywhere, a river flowing through the "middle, and barrenness in the desert areas.

Everything has a name, like the Colorado National Monument to the west (more on that later,) the Grand Mesa to the east (again, more later,) Mt. Garfield to the northeast, and orchards in the Palisade area.

All of this becomes clear once you learn how native Grand Junction residents use them.

So, How do People Know They're From Grand Junction, Colorado?

Well, that's fairly easy. They have a whole way of giving directions. They speak of this man who wore a specific bathing suit.

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We can't forget to mention the road naming convention.

Luckily, we've come up with some ways to know if you're truly a Grand Junctionite.

Only True Grand Junction, Colorado People Understand These Things

If you're truly from Grand Junction, Colorado, you'll definitely understand all of these.

Gallery Credit: Tim Gray

11 Grand Junction Businesses Everyone Misses

Sometimes we just don't know a good thing until it's gone. That's exactly how I feel about a lot of businesses that have left the Grand Junction landscape in the last 15 years or so. These are businesses that somehow I didn't fully appreciate when they were here.

Gallery Credit: Zane Mathews

VISIT THESE PLACES: These are the Smallest Towns in the State of Colorado

It seems like Colorado's big towns and cities get all the attention and all the glory, and so we wanted to give a salute to the 10 smallest towns in the state of Colorado.

Based on population numbers provided by, here's a succinct look at the 10 smallest towns in Colorado.

Gallery Credit: Zane Mathews

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