We wanted to address the recent events at Central High School in Grand Junction, Colo., and the reason we won't be covering it.

In simple terms, it's too polarizing, and no matter what side of the fence we stand, our opinions won't make a difference.

Read More: Can You Drive an ATV on Colorado Roads + Streets?

If you're not aware of the incident at Central High School. On April 24 officers responded to a verbal altercation between some students. This led to one of the students being taken down by one of the officers and detained on the scene.

Video footage of the altercation between the student and the officer began to circulate on social media, leading to debate on whether the actions of the police officer were warranted. The Mesa County Sheriff's Office has been investigating the incident.

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The Mesa County Sheriff's Office has been very transparent with everything they're doing, including sharing body camera footage for the general public to view and make their own opinions.

Across social media, residents of the area have strong opinions for and against both sides of the incident.

We strongly support the work our local law enforcement does on a day-to-day basis, and with limited information --either from the body cam footage circulating on social-- we feel our opinions should stay just that, ours.

We feel that the authorities will make the correct decision based on their investigation.

Colorado Towns and Counties That Allow ATVs/OHVs on Their Roads

Off-road vehicles are a popular pastime in Colorado. Some towns even allow them to travel on their roads. There are, however, certain guidelines to follow.

Here's a breakdown of the towns and counties that allow ATVs/OHVs on their roads.

These are just summaries, and you should check the location's individual rules and restrictions before you go.

Gallery Credit: Tim Gray

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