Summer months in Colorado can be interesting. Summer in Colorado can be beautiful, but Colorado can be extremely unpredictable.

Recently, I was installing a hose holder mount on the back of my house in Fort Collins.

It was a beautiful and clear afternoon. Out of nowhere, the sky turned grey and there was a crackle of thunder. Five seconds later it was pouring rain.

This is a typical story if you live in Colorado.

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We all know the saying: if you do not like the weather in Colorado you should just wait five minutes.

Thunder and lightning are just a part of our lives during the summer in Colorado. We are going to get a break from the unpredictable weather patterns soon and we are about to have to most beautiful day of the year.

Most Beautiful Day of the Year in Colorado

The perfect day of the year is expected to arrive on July 23, according to experts. Fabuwood has been trying to pinpoint which date in Colorado is perfect for an outdoor dining experience.

They say that the temperature in Colorado on July 23 will be 71°F with only 14.5% chance of rain. They believe this will be the best evening of the year for Colorado. This is incredibly exciting considering that Colorado is coming out of a heat wave.

Is Dining in Colorado Backyards a Good Idea?


I would love to dine in my backyard, but I have to major problems.

Firstly, I do not own any actual patio furniture. And lastly, I have a massive grasshopper problem in my backyard.

Thankfully, Colorado has a lot of great outdoor restaurants.

Colorado's Record High Temperatures

Take a look at the record high temperatures for communities all over the state of Colorado. For this gallery, we're including communities whose record high temps exceeded 100 degrees.

Gallery Credit: Waylon Jordan

Things People Aren't Ready For When They Move To Colorado

Sometimes the lessons we come to understand in life are learned the hard way. Can you think of something people are not ready for when they move to Colorado? Let's scroll through the list of hard lessons people learn when they get to the Centennial State below.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams