Is It Legal To Be NAKED In Your Backyard In Utah?
In the state of Utah, nudity really depends on time and place.
A funeral for example, is not the time nor the place to be in your birthday suit, no matter how much the deceased enjoyed looking at it when alive.
But what about on your own private property? In your own yard? The answer is YES and NO.
First off, if we’re talking about the FRONT yard, it’s a solid NO. Absolutely not.
But what about the backyard? I mean, it’s your property right?
Well yeah you CAN be naked in your backyard…sorta.
This will probably come as a surprise to NO-ONE, but Utah has some of the most stringent public nudity laws in the country. The law states that Lewdness is “Exposing the offender's genitals, the female breast below the top of the areola, the buttocks, the anus, or the pubic area.”
Furthermore, Lewdness is performing any of the following acts in a public place or under circumstances which the offender should know will likely cause affront or alarm…”
There is no distinction between public and private property if someone can see you outside.
You can be naked, but if it’s in a place where it’s likely other people will see it… you’re breaking the law.
However, if someone is looking into your house, a private place that is intended to be a private space, then that person is breaking the law.
In short, I’ve prepared this handy decision tree to help you realize if you’re breaking the law in Utah while naked.
Hopefully this information will keep you out of prison the next time you decide to remove your pants in the state of Utah.
By the way: None of this applies to breastfeeding in public. That’s actually legal in Utah.
Unfortunately, so is having a creepy dude stare at you while you do it.
So take what you will from that.

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