New Laws For Speeding In Utah
Utah has a need, a need for speed and it turns out that this trend has earned us a sad spot in the record books. Utah is 2nd in the nation for speed-related fatalities.
You should know there are laws crafted to incentivize us to slow down. These laws were passed with the intent to stem the trend of speed-related accidents. So beware, if the startling fact that speed has been a key factor in fatal related accidents isn't enough to slow you down then the law might be.
The law states that if a driver is caught going over 105 miles an hour they can be charged with reckless driving, which is a class B misdemeanor. Also if a vehicle is going over 100 miles per hour the fine will cost an extra 50%.
The goal is to get us to slow down and save lives.
If the money or fear isn't enough for you to slow down maybe the following arguments will help.
You're not Time Traveling as Much as You Think:
Have you ever noticed how much time you lose by maintaining your speed? We were driving to the Las Vegas airport for a business trip when we were passed by the other half of our party. They were clipping along at a super speed, yet we were both surprised when we arrived within 20 minutes of each other. Do the math, often you aren't saving the time you thought you were.
Stop and Watch the Blurry Roses:
We have some beautiful roadways. Even at 80 MPH, you can still enjoy the flowers along the way, though they may be blurry. Enjoy your drive and look at some of the scenery.
Slowing Down Saves Money:
Remember that the faster you travel beyond 50 MPH is costing you more money. It's not extreme savings, but it will save you. But, if you factor in the cost of a high-speed accident you will be saving big.
So let's slow down Utah for whatever reason that makes sense to you.
10 Most Popular Makes and Models Getting Speeding Tickets
Gallery Credit: Kyle Matthews