It used to be that the societal embarrassment known as 'road rage' was generally confined to the likes of Los Angeles and New York City. Sure, people shot at each other in Detroit, but they at least had the decency to wait until they got where they were going before they did.

This is no longer the case, and the days of being able to at least pretend that you could write it off as a problem in some other state are long gone. Getting around in the Centennial state is becoming a little more dangerous, unfortunately, as new reports seem to indicate that the rate of road rage on Colorado's highways is increasing.

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Within the first five months of 2023, there were more than 100 calls to Denver Police concerning road rage, according to state law enforcement officials. These same officials note that this is a higher rate than 2021. You may recall the recent story of a man killed during a road rage incident in Aurora last week, not to mention the road rage shooter who was recently convicted of murder in Denver. Just type "colorado road rage" into your search bar, and you'll see story after story of Coloradans losing it on the highway.

Now, I'm no stranger to having issues with other drivers on the road; it's the cost of doing business in America, as they say. Still, for as much as you might like to dropkick that Prius doing 15 in a 35, or slash the tires of every white pick-up that's ever cut you off on I-70, you have to realize that this is not the way we behave in a polite society. If you can't get your stuff together before you leave the house, then maybe driving just isn't for you.

A Quick Guide to Everything You Wanted to Know about Driving in Colorado

We spent a morning chatting with Mesa County Deputy Jeremiah Carbajal about all things driving in Colorado and Mesa County. The guide below offers a deep dive into the topics we discussed on air and helpful information about some of the most frequently asked questions we receive here at Townsquare Media Grand Junction.

Colorado's Leading Counties For Drunk Driving

The state of Colorado recorded over 730 traffic fatalities in 2022. Of those fatalities, 271 involved impaired driving. Here is a look at the most dangerous counties in Colorado based on impaired driving fatalities. The number reflects how many impaired driving fatalities in 2022.

Colorado's Highway Driving Pet Peeves

Have you ever driven Colorado's Highway 51 while stuck behind some dude riding the left lane? Don't you just love playing "Dodge The Alligators" on Colorado's I-70?

I asked on Facebook, "What is your highway-driving pet peeve in Colorado."

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