It’s Time for Grand Junction to Register for a ‘National Night Out’
Would you like to host an event designed to reduce crime in your neighborhood? Would you like to have an officer from the Grand Junction Police Department drop by to answer questions? It's time to register your neighborhood for the annual "National Night Out." Here's how you register.
The next "National Night Out" is coming up on Tuesday, August 1. Neighborhoods around the country will be getting together for potlucks, pizza parties, BBQs, and ice cream socials. Area law enforcement officers drop by to answer questions and discuss safety.
How do you register? It's simple. Head over to the National Night Out website and provide the requested information. The registration form consists of exactly nine questions, most of which are organizer's name, address, desired time of the event, and so on.
How can you tell if your neighborhood has already signed up? There is a link where you can check and see which neighborhoods have already registered. As of Tuesday, June 18, only three Grand Junction area neighborhoods have signed up.
Are you in need of some suggestions and ideas as to how to host this event? The website offers a number of great ideas.
Promote safety and help prevent crime, all while getting to know your neighbors. This event has been going on for a number of years, and there's a reason why. Make plans to host this event in your neighborhood. Contact your neighbors, and discuss the idea of participating in the National Night Out.